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To retire, you may need …

Form no.Form Description
Form 6
6-Claiming Your Retirement Benefit
Form 6C
6C-Reporting an Employee's Work Record for Retirement
Form 6FR
6FR-Retiring from the Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund

Depending on your situation, RSD will send you any of the following forms, if applicable.

Form no.Form Description
Form 319401K
319401K-Choosing to Transfer NC401(k) Plan Contributions for an Additional Monthly Benefit
Form 319457
319457-Choosing to Transfer NC Deferred Compensation (457) Plan Contribs for an Additional Monthly Benefit
Form 319LEO
319LEO-Choosing to Transfer NC401(k) Plan Contributions for an Additional Monthly Benefit for LEOs
Form 333SAMPLE
333SAMPLE-Choosing the Contributory Death Benefit for Retired Members
Form 6
6-Claiming Your Retirement Benefit
6ERSAMPLE-Authorizing Your New Spouse As Beneficiary